1. stupeň lavinového nebezpečínízké nebezpečí
1. stupeň lavinového nebezpečínízké nebezpečí
07. 01. 2025
Staň se součástí týmu Horské služby Jeseníky
10. 02. 2025
První dějství jarních prázdnin na horách je za námi
08. 02. 2025
Krušné hory Bublava 5 zásahů za 2 hodiny
Avalanche danger scale
* The avalanche-prone locations are described in greater detail in the avalanche bulletin (altitude, slope aspect, type of terrain):
- moderately steep terrain: slopes shallower than about 30 degrees
- steep slopes: slopes steeper than about 30 degrees
- very steep, extreme terrain: particularly adverse terrain related to slope angle (more than about 40 degrees), terrain profile, proximity to ridge, smoothness of underlying ground surface
** Additional loads:
- low: individual skier / snowboarder, riding softly, not falling; snowshoer; group with good spacing (minimum 10m) keeping distances
- high: two or more skiers / snowboarders etc. without good spacing (or without intervals); snowmachine; explosives
natural: without human influence